Monday, September 18, 2006

To Whom it May Concern...Long Time No See

So I haven't had time to write anything for...well whenever the last time I posted was. But something has been irritating me today that I need to write on 'the wall that no one reads'. A lot of my Christian friends that I don't see very much anymore have been making themselves very distant from me and others but blame others for this distance. When people are talking to me, I try to give them my full attention and a sincere response rather than half-heartedly listening to them until they shut up and then apologize to my 'better' friends for the time I lost with them while listening to just another fellow Christians.

I think life at PMBC has just started do get back to normal a few soldiers smaller than before, but when at war you always lose a few. Some I am glad are gone, some I want to see really bad, and some I am waiting on. I had friends that left for their reasons (good or bad, I don’t know so it doesn’t matter) and I am now wishing them good luck in whatever God has them and want to know what God has been doing in there lives. This urge was recently set off by flipping through the channels and seeing Dave leading worship and I just felt like I had missed out on what God has been doing. So if this is you, someone whom I haven’t talked to in a while, let me cut the distance and find out what’s going on in your life. If you want to say something privately is always being checked and if not just leave a comment telling me how God is working in your life.


Anonymous said...

We missed you at The Pitt. I thought you were coming. I'm always checking out your thoughts here - so don't dry up. Keep this spring of knowledge, insight and encouragement flowing.

I am still very impressed by your suggestion for the homeless. We went out and bought 10 bibles recently because of it. We plan on loading mcdonalds cards with some money and giving them out.

Your ideas certainly made me proud and they motivated me to action.

love ya man!

SMITTY said...

This is rarely a day that goes by when I don't think about the church the raised me. I miss you guys a lot. My prayer is that we all remember that the true church starts with a big "C."

Hope to see you on campus.

TaylorW said...

solid post coop. this is a tough issue, but you mention it in love and have not singled anyone out.
I've also heard it said--- when you are in God's will and things seem to leave you (friends, possesions, etc) it may be because God is making room for more of himself. Or he is opening the door for you to be used to minister to others. Keep writin, cause we keep readin.

Anonymous said...

porter's not rebuilding... it just cleaned the gutters and had some weeds pulled...

Anonymous said...


I don't think it is quite fair to say that all porter did was clean gutters and pull weeds. I think it is a little naive, not to mention incorrect, to assume that everyone who left was bad and everyone who stayed is good.

I have no doubt in my mind that not everyone who left is "bad" or a "weed" and likewise there are people who stayed who are still problematic, they just simply happen to agree with the pastor on these issues.

the post was given in love, so i think it would be a shame to start pointing fingers on here, though that may not have been the original intent. remember that God tells us in 1 Corinthians that there is not one of us who can judge the heart, only God can. They left, we stayed, and our task is to pray that His will be done in all of the lives, regardless of whether or not they left or stayed.

to God alone be the glory!

Nick C. said...

Thanks Dustin.

Anonymous said...

when you pull weeds sometimes the flowers go with them buddy...and you always miss a few...i have been a member of pmbc for 28 me, I know of what i speak...i'm not judging only observing the obvious...

Anonymous said...

i'm just pointing out that porter does not need to rebuild...its foundation is solid

Nick C. said...

I agree, Dustin just summed up all of the feelings I had inside. I feel like these plants have something against me just because I have stayed and I want them to know that I love them but cannot be any closer to them than they will let me.

I agree that pmbc's foundation is solid though. I have gotten to know all of the staff while working there and I don't think we could get any better. Even the janitorial staff has has great spiritual leaders in position. I think smitty nailed it, pmbc isn't The Church.

If you could let the rest of us know your identity cause I don't like people's opinions to be hidden behind false id's. No hard feelings though sibling in Christ.

Anonymous said...

betty cornett...don't hold it against jordan...cuz she's gonna kill me

Nick C. said...

Ha I knew it, you were the only person that reads blogs that could have been going there for that long and you always come up with a whitty title.

Anonymous said...

i use the witty title to save jordan from her 'i can't believe my parents are bloggers' attitude.

Tim Morrison said...

Betty, you have got to be the coolest mom in the world. Who else not only reads blogs, but actually comments under anonymous names just to protect their innocent children.

Anonymous said...

Hey long time no see! How are ya?! I'm doing great! Thought i'd just leave you a comment cuz i got bored but i'm not a real theological type of person so i'm not really good about talking about that stuff but i still wanted to say hi see ya later! ps.. i guess i love you too ..... the next comment to this better not be "you're a dork" or some other rude comment you always say to me when i leave stupid long posts about nothing that you've talked about :)

Nick C. said...

such a sweetheart