For those of you who have never read John Piper's book 'Don't Waste Your Life' it's a good read but it could be a lot shorter than it is. Piper tends to describe a ton and uses a bunch of analogies that are unnecessary, but that is beside the point, his book made me come to an astounding conclusion today in my Physics class. We were watching a film on how 'Life', or creation, has affected the world we live on. It started by speaking of the usual evolution theory along with commentaries by a few scientist's. In the end they discovered that life is destroying itself. That blue-green algae are eating away their own environment, black holes are consuming theirs, and humans are destroying theirs. They claimed to have found the simplest form (or oldest form) of life in the farthest parts of the Earth (which in itself is an idiotic phrase because the Earth is round... how do you go to the farthest point, anyways) they claimed that these early forms of life could could have started the evolutionary process in which humans eventually descended from. Now take into consideration these cells they were describing looked like a sea horse. In my opinion it takes a lot more faith to believe that we came from a seahorse, this is when I stopped watching the movie and started looking at these scientist's for the idiot's they are. In speaking of our planet being the only one (out of all of the ones we know of) that could sustain life, they never even came across the fact that there could be a higher power that created this 'Life'. They showed a picture of the earth from the moon, it looked like an ant on a 1,000 acre farm.
Our sun, the center of our galaxy, is a star. There are an infinite amount of stars, which means there are infinite galaxies around those countless stars, and scientists still believe they all came from ONE, atomic-bomb-like, explosion that happened over billions of years ago. It kills me that educators are leaving out so many details. Lee Strobels book 'The Case For a Creator' has taught me a lot while reading which is probably where the following argument came from. In order for the 'Big Bang' theory to work there would be tons upon tons of dust and ash from that explosion on earth, and every other planet, where ZERO life could flourish, and scientists still believe that life came from this. I don't understand how people who are supposed to be the most educated and intelligent people in our culture cannot see the simplest realization there is, that God is in control. Every time they make a prediction, hypothesis, or theory, it is more often than not, proven wrong by the same evidence the idea was formed from.