Simon Says...The True 'Brutally Honest' Man
A few days ago I watched American Idol. Every time I see it I love Simon even more. He doesn't care what the audience or his fellow judges think about the person singing, he doesn't care about how old they are or how good looking, he just listens to them sing. Usually I agree with his stand with most of the singers. The whole point of the show is to find the best singers out there and get them signed. Simon does a very good job, in my opinion, of getting the right people into the finals. I am eager to see who will be in the finals.
hey baby! Just thought i would come and laugh some more about this post. You and your mind make me laugh but i love ya!
thanks babe
is taylor the half deaf one with the messed up0 teeth. if it is i want him to win. kelley pretty much won last year because all she is, is a skinnier carrie, but thats who jenn wants to win.
I'm not up-to-date on all this American Idol stuff, I dont watch it that much. One thing I do know: I want Paris to win. The girl is from my hometown! I would be going to the same high school she did. I could have known her. Shes got a pretty amazing voice too - Go Paris!
oh that would be my love
haha yeah it's jennifer kathryn! haha but yeah i didn't see her last night but i've heard that she did horrible. That's ok i still hope she wins! Everyone messes up every now and then :)
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